New Home Pge
Genie Grey11
These charts show you the penalties!
We show you how to avoid them.
But, first let's understand this:
No-one can fix your credit but you!

Your credit data is reported continously and is constantly changing and up-dating. 

The solution to getting and keeping good credit is knowing the rules!  We give you your own individual stratergy based on your unique credit profile, along with The rules of the game, we also give you "The Ten Commandments of Credit" to keep your credit good. 

 The Consultation/Evaluation is FREE! 

You have nothing to loose... 

Call us 1st!

Don't Pay Them        Don't Talk to Them...

 See Charts for Penalties...See Us For Solutions 
You Can't win if you don'know the rules!
Complete the form...Get informed!t

Got Collections?

Learn How You Can Keep it!
E1T1 ... Each 1 Teach 1 
Join Us!

It Cost You Nothing To Be Informed

We'll  show you  how to: Pay Off a 30 Year Mortgage in 15 Years?
Sign that's just an example of what   We'll Tell You in our Blog!

No one can fix your credit for You!

Knowing The Rules Is The Only Way to Get and Keep Good Credit

  Got Good Credit?

 Got Bad Credit? 

Got Good Credit?

Does Your Credit Feel Like a Curse?
We'll show you how to make your credit a Blessing!
Results  Guaranteed! 

 Only You Can Fix Your Credit

         Call Today For Your


Consultation & Credit Evaluation  

               "The Credit Genie                                  Makes Collections  Dis-appear   Results Guaranteed!"
 We may also be able to help you clean up your own old bad credit by negotiating favorable settlements for you, changing the status to: "paid as agreed" on your credit report. This will  increase your score, immediately.
                 No matter how bad it is:                        You CAN Restore your Credit. 
   Finding out will cost you nothing!  
 We Can Help...Call us Today!

     470 :587-8735 or 404248 7036          Email us at:


Guaranteed Results!!!

Call Me  1st! 

  Former Loan Officer Shares Insider information...We'll help you develope   stratergies based on our knowledge to create your own unique credit profile...

We Guarantee our Solutions!

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