Credit...The Rules to The Game
Special Financing offers i.e. Interest FREE/Deferred Payments/Interest Only Finanacing
E-Z Credit Access
Types of Promo-Financing
Promo financing is always a "Special Offer" often times limited. The whole idea is to sell more furniture, cars, or whatever!
Here are the most popular ones being offered now.
Easy Credit...Rip Off's?
Credit bureaus are pitchng easy ways to raise your score, overnight even...Humm!!!
E-Z Access to Credit can seem like a blessing, however it just might be a big mistake; here's why, You can not win at anything if you don't know the rules.
To lock you into a credit contract with hidden language and un-disclosed charges and penalties.
You have no idea what can and most likely will happen if you miss a payment. The finance companies and banks are all betting you can't go 3 to 5 years without missing a payment! WHAM!!! We got you! It feels great to see you are approved for credit. First lesson: Always have a plan, don't spend to the limit. (SeeCredit Chart for percentage of useaage).