Consumer Knowledge is Not Taught in College
Too busy to keep up? We Can Help! Be informed before you sign to take advantage of that "Special Financing Offer": See Our "blog"! It's a shared platform for consumer knowledge and information.
Send us an e-mail to:( We'll send you what you need to know about the"terms and conditions"of some of the more popular"special offers" Follow Blog: Each1Teach1
Before you sign, you should understand all the terms and conditions of the agreement:
Example: "What happens if I am ever 30 days late?"
Answer: The terms of your payment agreement changes. Even if you have paid consistently for four (4) long years, if during year five (5) on the five (5) year long deal: You should miss one (1) payment: The deal goes back to day one (1) at a much higher interest rate. If it's interest only at yhe end of the contract you still owe th entire amount, plus monstrous interest rate kicks in. Be informed!
Most of us would agree:
Consumer Finance
is a necessary
"Real Life Life Skill!"!
Special financing offers can be a great deal...or Your worse nightmare!
Great...Only if you can live up to the terms of the agreement for the life of the deal, which could be five years?
Do you have a "Piggy Bank"? It just might come in handy.
Keep reading...Learn what could happen.